Gopi Menon - Author
Founder of the the Joycentrix System
for Happy Living
Who I Am
I am a retired engineer - now an author. I write about practical philosophies that anyone can use to live a Happy Life every day.
More importantly I am a Contrarian Thinker who asks a lot of uncomfortable questions about traditionally accepted practices such as religion, ritualized prayer, about god, the afterlife and so on.
Even as a child I asked these questions of my parents and my teachers, but was never satisfied with their standard 'canned' replies. I could not just accept the status quo. I would continually protest Why this? Why Not that? etc.
Several years ago I found some quotes by eminent teachers which stated exactly what I had felt from childhood, quotes such as:
- "Always question everything. Ask: Why? Why Not? How? What If? before you accept anything as true." - Socrates
- "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it (even if I have said it) unless it agrees with your own reason and your common sense." - Buddha
This gave me the confidence to continue my questioning ways until I came up with the 'Joycentrix System' a set of five beliefs that enable me to make Happy Living a daily habit. I shared it with the world in my first book called 'Daily Happy Living'.
This was followed by a book which set out my present beliefs about this world, about god and about the afterlife - entitled 'The GOD Soliloquy'. Both books are available on Amazon.
I am now in the process of finishing two other books namely:
- 'Back to GOD, Away from Religion' and
- 'Why Most Prayers Are Not Answered'.
My Family
My wife and I have been married for 46 years and have been blessed with three boys who now have their own families. We have four wonderful grandchildren who bring us tremendous joy. They also create many new learning experiences for me.
NOTE: A point to note is that I am a 'free thinker' who does not believe in any organized religion. However, my wife is an ardent follower of Hindu traditional ritual worship. She visits temples regularly, prays daily at home and fasts one day every week.
Although we have diametrically opposite beliefs, this has not been a problem for us in all the decades we have been together - because we can accept each other as Unique, Individual Beings created by the Divine.
If my wife and I (who are so different in our religious beliefs) can live together in harmony for so many decades, I wonder why people of different religions find it so hard to co-exist happily in this world.
My Passion & Motivation
My passion is thinking deeply, questioning the norm and trying to find practical solutions to the problems of living a happy, fulfilled life.
When I do stumble upon some solutions, my motivation is to spread the word. I hope that it may benefit others out there who are going through similar problems. This I do by sharing my personal discoveries and life experiences in my books.