"The World According to Gopi"
Does the above title seem arrogant and egotistic?
Honestly, it is not. Let me tell you why. Each and every one of us is living in our very own, special world. Others, no matter how close they are, cannot live in our individual world.
For example, however hard I try, I cannot think like my wife, feel like my wife, experience the outer world like her, or react to circumstances like her! And vice versa.
This is true even for my children and grandchildren. As far as they are concerned we are just the father or the mother the grandfather, or the grandmother. Each person is at the center of his/her own universe, even if we live under the same roof! And the rest of us are like satellites orbiting round that person.
You can imagine yourself to be like the sun at the center of the solar system, and all the planets (to be like your wife, your child, your colleague etc.) orbiting round you.
Or even better, you can imagine yourself to be the nucleus at the center of an atom with all the electrons orbiting around it being all those people you are connected to in life! See image below:

Your world is your 'atom', you are the 'nucleus' and all those in your life are like the 'electrons'.
In this case you, the nucleus, is made up of the sum total of all your experiences in life. It includes every thought, every teaching, every belief, every experience - whether joyful or traumatic, that you have ever had since you were born (and perhaps even before - your karmic carryover.)
Since no two persons (not even twins) can have exactly the same experiences or reactions to those experiences, each person lives in his/her own world!
Thus, the title of this post is not arrogance or egotism but the truth about each one's world! In your case just replace Gopi in the title with your own name and you have the truth about your particular world.
No matter what you try, you cannot put yourself at the center of the other's life. No matter how much we feel for them or empathize with them, or love them, or hate them, we cannot think exactly like them!
"So what?" You ask: "How does knowing this help us live happier or better lives?"
I am glad you asked! That is the whole point of this post.
If you know that you are living in your own world (not your brother's, not your father's, not your mother's etc.), then you can takes steps to change your own world.
How? By changing your thoughts and your beliefs. Thought is energy and your beliefs can help create your life. As I said in my last post:
"Our minds have the power to create our reality! And our minds can be used to formulate our beliefs. Hence, our minds can create our individual reality!" - Daily Happy Living
Thinking of the example of the atom above, since you are the nucleus, it is you that attract all those electrons orbiting around you.
Thus it is the energy of your thoughts and beliefs that attract those circumstances or people around you and create your own reality!
So, if you don't like the world you have created, then choose to think different thoughts and beliefs to create the world you truly desire.
How We Can Change Our Own Special World
Let us take this corona-virus pandemic as an example. We can choose to be miserable and keep thinking thoughts of gloom and doom or we can think differently and begin to use this enforced stay-home-time to do something different.
Almost everyday I hear of many people using this time of 'misfortune' to start many thriving new little businesses online. How did they change their own world in the midst of this pandemic? By choosing to think differently, they started acting differently and so they began to attract new people and circumstances into their life, to get the happier results they desired!
Personally I too chose to think and act differently. All the scientists say that people of my age-group (senior citizen) are more at risk from this virus. Also, since I have had chronic asthma since childhood, I am even more at risk! Thus I have two strikes against me. I can choose to worry about this and wallow in misery or I can choose to think differently.
Therefore, I chose to sign up for an online Writing Course and began to work on this website at this time. I also spent my time visualizing myself getting healthier and really succeeding at this new venture.
In this way I am attracting new circumstances and new people into my orbit, and thus creating a world that I really like.
The result is I am happier now in the midst of this pandemic. I am looking forward to each day, thinking of my writing assignments and my blog posts.
Will I be cured of asthma? Will I live longer? These questions do not bother me now because I am 'seizing the day' as the saying goes!
As I said in my first post: “If it were really true and I had only 3 years to live, why would I waste the final few years of my life on this wonderful planet, especially in this blessed country I am fortunate to be born in?”
Hope the readers too will make an attempt to change their own world if it is not to their own liking!
"Carpe Diem!" or "Seize the Day!"
This week I spoke of our inner world. In the next post I intend to talk about the outer world as I see it - the Joycentrix view!