About Co-Creation - Comparing the Life of King Solomon
In my last post "Will this be my swan-song?" I spoke about having published my latest book called "Back to GOD, Away from Religion" on Amazon's Kindle.
To introduce new readers to the book, I have decided to provide some passages taken from it. This week I want to share something about Co-Creation.
The following excerpt is taken from the last chapter of this 260 page book.
"On Creation & Co-Creation
Why can’t I believe that we humans are entrusted with Co-creation, whereby we are given a little of GOD’s own powers of creation to help in the evolution of the world? This we are able to do by using our individual mind together with access to the universal mind.
"How We Help in the Evolution of the World:
I believe that the evolution of our soul and the evolution of the world through our co-creation is part and parcel of GOD’s purpose. When we use our individual god-given talents, to go after our own goals, and co-create things to benefit the world, we are fulfilling our purpose in life!
Comparing the Life of King Solomon
As an example, I dare claim that King Solomon in all his glory (considered to be the richest man who ever lived), never had the facilities that an ordinary working man-in-the-street enjoys now!
King Solomon needed slaves to manually fan him to keep cool. Now we can even control the temperature of our room by turning on the air-conditioner, at the touch of a button. We don’t need to employ slaves!
Solomon had to rely on horses, riders and so on to get messages from other parts of the country; but we can instantly get messages, in real-time from the other side of the world. We can even see the other person and have a conversation on Skype etc.
If King Solomon wanted to visit other parts of his land, he would need a team of horses, charioteers, guards and so on before he could take the first step of his journey! But we can just take our car-key, get into our car and travel with our family in comfort – no matter whether it is hot or cold outside.
Talking about clothing, King Solomon’s choice of raiment, can never compare with the choices we have in the Malls. So, if you were to think about it, an average Joe living in modern times enjoys a much richer quality of life than King Solomon ever did!
And how did all this happen? These miracles happened because man used his mind to set goals, and followed his desires with passion, to co-create and cause an evolution in the world!
We succeeded in Co-Creating and helping in the evolution of the planet, exactly the way GOD planned!"
My Comments:
The above show the wonderful, positive results we are capable of achieving, when we use our powers of Co-Creation in the right way!
The other side to the coin is that we humans can also use our powers wrongly, as we see by the negative effects of 'Global Warming' and 'Weapons of Mass Destruction', not to mention 'Biological Warfare'!
Thus, the fault is not that we have been gifted with the power of Co-Creation by GOD, but that we are negligent in using the power wisely.
As I have repeatedly said: "Our power of choice is one of the greatest gifts we have been given!" If we misuse this power, because of our greed, it is no use blaming GOD or Nature, for our manifest problems.
As has been said by Mahatma Gandhi:
In my next post, I shall include a passage about "Precession", taken from my latest book. Precession is a word coined by one of the great minds of the twentieth century, namely Buckminster Fuller!
Precession refers to the side-effects that will inevitably happen in the world, whenever we take any action!
In that post, we will explore how we can use Precession on a day-to-day basis, to live happy, fulfilled lives!