Feeling Stuck in Life? What can we do?
Are you feeling stuck in life? I don't mean stuck at home now with the corona-virus pandemic.

I mean even before this. Having feelings like:
"Why can't I get ahead in my career? Why can't my health improve? Why do I keep having relationship problems? etc."
My situation was similar two years ago. I felt stuck in life with nothing to look forward to. My health was declining and I had no goal except to count the days - day after boring day! Fortunately, I had the habit of reading or listening to something inspiring whenever I felt down in the dumps.
I have found it helpful to pick up one of my favorite inspirational books and just open it up at any page. Then I would start reading. Often the particular passage would provide some sort of answer to whatever was bothering me!
One day it happened to be my own book Daily Happy Living that I picked up. The page I came to was about the 'Power of Beliefs'. The paragraph that jumped out at me from the page was:
"I believe that our minds have the power to create our reality! And our minds can be used to formulate our beliefs. Hence, our minds can create our individual reality. Rather than just accepting any mediocre life, we have the power to design our own happy, successful lives!" - Daily Happy Living
I could hardly believe that it was I who had written those words several years ago! Then it occurred to me, if I really believed what I had written, I should be able to start creating a new life, no matter what my age. That was the first impetus for me to stop being stuck and decide to make some changes in my life.
Around that time, I was also watching one of the videos on YouTube by Derek Rydall and the following quotes struck a chord in me.
- "Whatever is missing is what we’re not giving. We are divine power plants, and a power plant doesn’t receive energy – or even have energy – it generates it.
- "Life doesn't happen to you, it happens through you." - Derek Rydall
I specially like the first one about us being like a power plant generating energy, since I worked for more than 20 years at power plants.
What it meant to me was that we are stuck because we are not giving out anything. So, in order to start getting unstuck all we need to do is to begin to do something - anything. We don't have to give out wads of money or volunteer hours of our time for charity work.

It can be as simple as making a phone call you have avoided making, writing that letter you were putting off, even giving a smile counts!
When we give out good feelings (e.g. just thinking with affection of our family and our friends), it will immediately begin the cycle that takes you out of your rut.
This is because thought is energy, just like radio waves, only finer. Thus, thought energy too can be transferred, without any physical conductors, from our mind to that of whoever is the recipient. Once we send out our thoughts, we are starting the stream again and we stop feeling stuck. You will be back in the flow!
In my own case I find that beginning again to write my thoughts, my feelings, and my philosophy, made me feel unstuck. I am in fact looking forward to each new day once again.
In my next post I will start getting more into my own philosophy about this world. In fact I am going to be a little brash and call it "The World According to Gopi!" Don't miss it.