How to Use Manifesting Prayer
Finally, today I will speak about how to use Manifesting Prayer to create what we want, and avoid what we don't want! Immediately, I can hear your exasperated protests:
"You must be joking! How can we create what we want? Or avoid what we don't want? If that is really possible, then won't we have already done so? We won't be facing endless struggles in our life!"
While it is true that most people seem to be struggling with their lives, it is also true that many people are living the lives of their dreams - whatever that dream is.
Examples of dreams being fulfilled can be found even from olden times in great works of architecture, such as The Eiffel Tower in France, The Great Wall of China and The Taj Mahal in India, to mention just a few.

Others have achieved success in their own fields such as engineers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, as homemakers, as music composers, as actors, as authors, etc. The few inventions shown below (from a list of millions) are also proof that people can create and have created what they want!

Our modern world too is full of revolutionary new ideas like Waze, Skype etc., which we treat as commonplace. Many people are great philanthropists, founders of charities, world-class sportsmen, and so on and on! There is no shortage of proof to show that people can create whatever they want. So how did they do it?
Exactly the same way you too have done, at some time in your life, when you achieved some small success!
Whenever you wanted something badly enough, you thought intensely about it, then took proper action, and persevered in spite of failures and finally achieved it.
This method for creating what you want is the same for any achievement, no matter how big or small, how simple or how complex. It follows a standard process as shown in the figure below:
First, You begin with CONFIDENCE & FAITH that YOU can ACHIEVE your GOAL
Then, you follow the Manifesting Process below:
Even before the Goal setting step, there is the foundation that is required - Faith that you can achieve your goal! If you don't believe that you can achieve the goal, you will never be motivated to start. In the Joycentrix Way you learn how to have faith. Only then do you start the Manifesting Process.
The process itself is not magic or metaphysics! It is just how nature works - for you, for me, for everbody! It is the same process used by engineers when working on any project - from planning, to startup, to reaching the milestones, making changes etc. till completion of the project.
But in Manifesting Prayer, nature helps you create a little 'magic' during Step 2 Visualizing (Focus) and Step 3 (Listening to Intuition). How this magic happens is explained below. But to make it easier to follow, I would like to compare this with Ritual Prayer, so you can see the difference.
Manifesting Prayer versus Ritual Prayer
In what way is Manifesting Prayer different from the normal ritual prayers that all religions ask you to do? First of all I find that most Ritual Prayers are non-specific! Thus there is no way to confirm if and when your prayers are answered.
Personal Example:
Last week, I had a first-hand example when I found my dear wife (who is deeply into ritual prayers) listening intently to an audio WhatsApp message. The speaker was describing in detail how to carry out a DIY ceremony at home for the dear departed and ancestors, so as to get their blessings.
My wife had most of the items listed already at home - such as brass oil lamp, rice, flowers, and so on. When she asked me to, I obligingly went to the grocer to get other stuff like 'black sesame seeds', lime leaves etc.
I asked my wife: "Our parents departed years ago, so what is the point of doing this ceremony now?"
She replied: "That doesn't matter, I feel bad I had not done it earlier and this will make me feel good. Also it is worth doing, because we can get their blessings."
I teased her: "Won't they be even more upset that we forgot them for so many years and only remembered now because of some stranger's WhatsApp message?"
Anyway, the point I am making is that my wife was doing ritual prayer for vague, non-specific things like future blessings. But when I use Manifesting Prayer, I follow the steps in the process chart above, starting with a very specific Goal, for example:
- Completing the writing course I started during this coronavirus pandemic, or
- Wanting a new computer, or
- Staying healthy in these trying times in spite of my chronic Asthma.
As you can see from the process chart above, there are several steps you have to take before you get what you want. But most people are looking for a shortcut, so they only wish and pray for what they want, hoping to somehow get their wish fulfilled. Unfortunately, wishes are granted only in Fairy Tales by fairy Godmothers and Genies and not in real life!
But the Creator or Nature has provided something as good as a Genie or better which can help us manifest our desires easier and faster - namely, the Universal Mind.
The Universal Mind is the storehouse of all knowledge, (past, present and future) and can be accessed by any human using his/her mind to find answers to any problem he/she faces.
NOTE: I will be discussing the Universal Mind in detail in future postings, but for now, just think of it as nature's google, except it is much more complex than being a mere search engine.
Manifesting Prayer or Meditation (practical example):
A couple of years ago, (I remember it was on the 30 November), I wanted a new large-screen Desktop because eyestrain was making it difficult for me to work on my 13 inch Laptop. So, that was my specific goal. These are the steps I took to manifest it:
- Having Faith: I believe that I will get one soon, without worrying about the details.
- Visualization: I take a few minutes, several times daily, to sit quietly, close my eyes, and imagine having a large screen desktop on my study table. As I visualize, I imagine how I would feel when the goal is achieved - the elation and excitement. As I focus on my feeling, my energy (vibration) increases and the message is sent out to the Universal Mind, which begins creating synergetic circumstances to help me get my goal.
- Listening to Intuition: A few days later I was at the Aeon Mall with my wife and I just felt like walking into the Harvey Norman store. While just window shopping, I saw an 18.5 inch HP all-in-one desktop on display. I thought it looked really nice in white with large screen and the price looked reasonable. Being a retiree living on pension, I decided to wait a few months, to save before getting it. However, I kept visualizing having the HP computer on my study table.
- Taking Action: A couple of weeks later my wife reminded me that since I really needed it because of my eyestrain, we need not wait and should dip into our savings to get it. She also suggested we go check out the computer malls in Petaling Jaya or KL to get a good price, but I was not keen on driving because of traffic. Just then, my son, who is a pilot, called to say that he would be arriving at Subang Airport for a one-day layover. We drove to meet him and he told us that he had about 3 hours to kill before he had an appointment in KL. We told him about our plans and he voluteered to drive us around.
- Result: We went to the mall in PJ and found the very same desktop we had seen at Harvey Norman and which I had been visualizing. As I was about to got to the ATM to withdraw the money for the purchase, my son stopped me and said that he would use his credit card to buy it for me as a pre-birthday present! So, almost exactrly one month after I started my manifest prayer for a new computer, the very same desktop I had visualized, was sitting on my study table without my even having to pay for it! This is what I referred to as 'creating a little magic' between Step 2 and Step 3 above.
NOTE: By the way, this post was created on this very HP desktop computer which I manifested as described above!
The above is an example of how Manifesting Prayer works for me for a specific goal. In the example above, I did not even have to go through all the steps in the manifesting process. That is how Universal Mind can help us find shortcuts to acheiving our goals easier by creating synergistic circumstances!
You too can achieve specific goals in your life by using the manifesting prayer and process. That is how people from all stations in life have created the life of their dreams, by using their god-given talent, their desire, their imagination, their enthusiasm, and their persistence.
They have learned to focus on their goal and look inside themselves for answers! They have listened to their own intuition and the universe has set up synergies to help them achieve their goals!
Thus, if so many people can create what they want, why is it impossible for others to do so? They say: "It is my fate, karma, bad luck, god is testing me, etc." But these are all excuses and unwillingness to accept responsibility. I know this only too well because I too had the very same excuses and even blamed god for decades, but it did not help!
This is because Nature is neutral - it is not going to feel sorry for me just because I have suffered for years, and decide to grant me my wishes out of pity! Until I learn nature's rules, I will continue to suffer. Only when I learn to accept responsibility for my own actions, my thoughts, my words and my deeds, will I see improvement!
If I keep blaming someone else or something else, or even god, as responsible for my failures or unhappiness, then it is quite impossible to get what I want! Because the only thing I have power over, is myself and not others.
In my next post I will discuss the Universal Mind and how it works to help us to solve problems and achieve our goals.
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What you wrote is workable & will certainly succeed as our mind is powerful. Our mind is a power-house if we put it to work with absolute confidence of achieving the goal.
Thank you, Hayley, for your comments.
Very true, workable technique. Some call it the mind trance. Napoleon Hill says the thought frequency must be so high and resonate beyond the ordinary conscious thinking thus shifting from wishful thinking – desire-faith- trust.
Thank you, Siva for your informed comments.