Thanks to Covid 19! My New Book is Published
My book called "Papa Bear's Happy Parenting Rules" is to be launched on Amazon's Kindle on 10 June 2020!

I have to thank Covid 10 home quarantine for this. Last week I mentioned that I had signed up for an 8-week Writing Course to keep me usefully occupied during the enforced stay-home period.
My final assignment in the course was to write and publish a short story, but I was never good at writing short stories. So, instead I decided to publish this book on parenting called "Papa Bear's Happy Parenting Rules". See Cover Image below:
I had actually written this book a few years ago, as a protest against the 'Tiger Mother" parenting style that was trending then. But I never got around to publishing it, because I felt that my parenting rules were just common-sense and perhaps not worth writing about.
However, recently I came to realize that many parents seem to be quite unaware of how to balance love with discipline when bringing up their children. So, I finally decided to publish this book of parenting principles that apply to all children, whether they are infants or toddlers or the so-called ‘terrible’ teens.
It will be launched on 10 June 2020, but it is already available on pre-order at this link:
I have received two reviews so far for this book which have been excerpted below:
Author Gopi Menon has some incredible advice for parents and caregivers on how to raise children that will grow up to have healthy self-esteem and strong faith in themselves, as well as others, in the world around them.
In Chapter 1 he says 'Cherish the child is a gift from God'. And he brings up some incredible points about this and it all rings true for me.T
he subsequent chapters are just as insightful with plenty of real-life examples. It is so enlightening and timely.
I love this book and wish my parents had had it when I was growing up and/or wish I had children so I can apply the Papa Bear Method.
"An eye opening view into parenting. I am not a fan of parenting books myself .. but author Gopi gave me hope with his book! It follows the general rules of common sense and while that sounds too "simple", he lays out his seven principles beautifully.
He gives real-life examples to help understand the points he's making without pushing his parenting style as "fact" in raising children.
I found myself looking back on my childhood and wishing my parents had implemented some of his perspectives while raising us.
Whether you're a parent to be a parent already, or plan to become one; this book would be a significant addition to your library and a fresh perspective on the world of parenting."
However, I still need a few more reviews when I launch in two days time. I would be grateful if interested readers could download my PDF on my website and give me some feedback. The link to the PDF is Papa Bear's Parenting Rules
Thank you.
A simple, well written, easy to understand and put to practise guide, to bringing up children, for those who sometimes wonder whether they are doing it right. The idea of the added “true life stories” makes it more relatable for those going through similar situations. Kudos to the author for his insightful and unconventional approach in bringing up his children, which were way beyond the usual methods followed then!
Thank you very much Kairali for your wonderful comments.
This is a great book! I feel most parents, myself included, will find most of the rules very useful. A must for all parents! I love the real stories added in!
Thank you, Priya for your glowing comments.