New Beginnings After Age 75?
(Note: This is my first post under the Category of 'My Personal Journey')
Is it even possible to have new beginnings at age 75? Most people think not. Just as my dear wife says:
“What else is there after 70? All we can do is wait, counting the days and hope to be in good health until our time comes to graciously leave this world.”
“We get bored only because we have no new goals to go after.”
Furthermore, boredom is nature's way of causing us to do something else beside thinking of ways to waste time. So I asked myself:
“Why should I not find something interesting to do, even at my age?
After all we call this time of our life ‘the Golden Years’, don’t we?"
Just then I was reminded of the following quote by the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas:
"Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light." - Dylan Thomas
If you would like to hear this poem recited by Richard Burton (in his powerful and evocative voice), CLICK on the YouTube video on the right.
When I turned 75 two years ago, my sons organized a family birthday party at a popular Thai restaurant in Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately for me, it was perhaps the only restaurant (on a hill) that did not have an elevator or an escalator! It took me a long time (with a lot of rests in between) to climb the 60 or so stairs up to the top. This was because I had always had chronic asthma from childhood.
However, my asthma had never stopped me from playing sports until my mid-forties. It was only after I took optional retirement at age 47 and began a 20-year career as a freelance Technical Writer that I had to give up tennis and other sports.
(As the saying goes: “Use it or lose it!" came true in my case. My sedentary lifestyle both at my work (using the computer) and at my hobby (watching TV) caused me to become less fit. After 20 years of this lifestyle, my heart resting rate (a good key to fitness) had gone up to 84 beats per minute (bpm).
This was much higher than my normal rate of about 64 bpm when I was still playing regular tennis, even at age 45. Having my heartbeat at an extra 20 bpm showed me how badly my fitness had declined. I easily got winded from climbing a flight of stairs; I could not keep up with my grandchildren at play, and my immune system was getting weaker.)
That night I decided that I had to do something about my health! Being sedentary for years was taking its toll on my body. I realized that my body was shutting down physically because I was not using my muscles.
I knew this was true from personal observation. You see, I have a brother who at 74 years of age is still very fit and active. He is taking part and winning badminton matches in his age group every year – even this year! Because he had never stopped playing, his physical abilities had not deteriorated.
This made me think that perhaps I could reverse my deteriorating health if I started to exercise again. Perhaps I could also begin something anew, even though I was 75.

New Beginnings? Really? - More New Stairs to Climb!
As I was entertaining such thoughts, something happened in Malaysia that gave me the incentive to start anew!
So, I decided that if I truly had only 3 years to live, I would try to make it the best 3 years of my life!
In order to achieve that, my top priority would be to improve my health. I began to go for regular morning walks. Initially, I struggled to complete even one round of the walking circuit in the nearby park, but I persevered.
There is a saying that “nature conspires to make our dreams come true” and as though on cue, came the annual ‘Anak-Anak Malaysia (People of Malaysia) Unity Walk’, which was to take place in another month. I signed up for it, to keep me motivated to continue walking daily. I struggled to finish the course but managed to complete the 5 km walk.
After that event, however, I found it difficult to make regular morning walks a habit. Sometimes I woke up late, other times it rained, and yet other times I did not feel like driving through the morning traffic to the nearest park.
So, what did I do to overcome this problem?
Nicely written. Loved the addition of Dylan Thomas’ poem. The intention to restart life at this age is admirable and inspiring at the same time.
Hi Manu, Thanks for reading and your kind comments. I am glad that you liked Dylan Thomas’ poem!
What happened after that…. I’m waiting to hear 😊😊
Thanks for reading. The continuation is coming very soon!
enjoyed your post. Age is not a barrier if you have the right mindset.
keep on writing
god bless
Thanks, Dhanesh for the kind words. Will be contnuing writing!
Good read! Never too late indeed. Age is, but a number. Keep writing and life begins at 70!
Thank you Arnold. Glad you enjoyed it.
You are an inspiration to us young and old. It really proves age is just a number. Keep inspiring everyone and have a blessed life ahead.
Thanks, Madhan for suggesting that I optimize my blog for the phone too. I have tried to. Hope it is working ok. Cheers.
I’m waiting for the continuation too… 70 is still young!
Thanks, KM. The second post is already up.
Wonderful thoughts and beautifully penned. I do feel that the key of juvenescence, besides having the right formula for a perfect metabolism, is never to consider oneself as old. My own peers who are 45 years of age are already calling themselves as “old”. Despite all odds, keep the mantra of youthfulness going and do so physically too. Isnt that nice, old heads on young shoulders?
Thanks, Siva for your great comments. You seem to enjoy words too. Have you tried writing stories, books etc.?
Thanks Mr Gopi. Not yet. Writing remains a dream. I would and should. Need to start somewhere. You may check out my daughter Ishta’s book on kindle – The Colours of Sabdas. She is 13y. I have bought yr book on kindle (Madhan told me) …The GOD soliloquy. Its nice….Richard Dawkins like and Existentialism. Will feedback once done. Have a wonderful day and keep writing sir.
Hi Siva,
As Nike says: “Just Do It!” and soon your own books will be published.
Anyway, it’s incredible that your daughter, at 13 years of age, can publish a book with a nicely designed cover on Kindle. Did you help out a lot or a little?
I had a look at your daughter’s book on Kindle and read the sample. Her vocabulary is way above that of her age-group!
The problem I had in reading was each paragraph was large without much ‘white spaces’.
It would have been easier for me (with my old eyes) to read and comment if the sentences and paragraphs were shorter.
Thank you sir. It’s purely her work. I will complete reading your book soon and we shall discuss the subject.
Well said uncle.. age doesn’t matter as long our mind is healthy to remind us that we can achieve our goal in any blessed to read ur writing. Tq for the message.🙏👍🏼
Thank you Raynu. I’m grateful for readers like you.
Hi Uncle, fantastic writing and a good reminder to all age group. Keep up your good work and looking forward to read more blogs from you.
Hi Reuban, thank you for the kind words. I look forward to writing more blog posts.
Dear Mr Menon, I’m a pilot andnn en in our group your son Madhan post a link to your blog and I think is amazing, very interesting. I already sing in my subscription. Congratulations and continue with that spirit !
Thank you so much Perdro Vergas for subscribing and for your kind words. Madhan did speak about you to me.
Well said. Waiting for the next post.
Thanks, Faisal. I am happy that youngsters like you are reading my blog. Thought it would only interest senior citizens!
Lol..was scrolling down and down to know what happened next, a very engaging write up, sir…looking forward for more..
Kosheela, thank you so much for your kind comments. Glad you found it interesting. I am still learning to optimize it correctly for the phone. Maybe that is why you had to scroll so much. It would be easier on the computer.
I believe, physical and mental exercise go hand -in – hand, the mind must be always active.
Hi Saseedharan, glad you also believe that physical and mental exercise go together! Cheers.
Hi Uncle, it was a good read. Everyone should realise old age doesn’t mean The End.. can’t wait for next..😊
Thank you so much, Nisha. Makes me happy to know someone is waiting for my next post. It is also motivating for me.
As colleagues of Madhan, we’re encouraged by your wisdom. Thanks for sharing.
R S Loo, thank you so much for your words. Many of you colleagues of Madhan are so supportive!
Amazing words! What a will power to start over at this age👏very inspiring🙌waiting for your next blog
Thank you, Laura. It’s very gratifying that even younger people like you are inspired by my words.