Precession - the main Reason why some people seem to be Lucky in Life!
I have been thinking for a long time, about why some people seem to sail through life achieving their goals easily, while others seem to constantly struggle! Finally I came up with a possible reason and wrote about this in my latest book 'Back to GOD, Away from Religion'. This post is based on Chapter 17 of that book, part of which is excerpted below.
Nature's Design vs Man's Choices
I like to believe that each invention, each innovation, each medical breakthrough and each new thought, is a part of nature’s design being fulfilled, through a particular individual, whose passion is the driving force behind its achievement.
Each accomplishment is an example of ‘precession’, a word coined by one of the great minds who lived in the twentieth century - Buckminster Fuller (Bucky for short).
What is precession? According to Bucky, every action we take, will create some side-effects in the world. Some of Bucky’s examples of side-effects are as follows:
Dropping a pebble into a lake: When a pebble is dropped into a calm lake, as the pebble drops vertically downward to the bottom, it creates ripples, which travel outward horizontally, away from where the pebble was dropped.
So, in the above example, Bucky was referring to the fact that physically an action can create some ripples or side effects, that are perpendicular to the direction of the action or movement. However, he took it a step further in the case below.

A bee gathering honey: When a bee gathers honey (facing in one direction), pollen from the flower is being deposited on its legs (which are at right angles to its body). Thus, in the act of gathering honey, the bee unknowingly pollinates the flowers, thereby helping plant life to grow.
Bucky philosophized that the bee is getting a reward from nature (honey), because it is helping nature to reproduce plant life. With this observation, he realized that if he himself, were to do something to benefit the world, then he would always be well looked after and rewarded by the universe.
He believed that he need not live as most of us lived, - always being worried about earning an income and survival. As far as he was concerned, that philosophy worked out exceedingly well for him, as you will know by reading of his incredible accomplishments on google.
When I first read about this philosophy, I was more interested to know how I (a normal, average human being) could put it into practice. How could I use precession to my advantage?
As usual, I analyzed the example Bucky gave of the bee gathering honey. I asked myself the following questions and got the following answers:
Question: “Does the bee know it is helping the universe in its task of preserving plant life?”
Answer: No!
Question: “Does the bee need to know that it is helping the universe, in order to get its reward?”
Answer: No! All it has to do is go after its own desire or goal (to collect honey), and it will automatically be provided with its rewards.
Similarly, I believe that we human beings, are programmed for happiness by nature (or the universe, or by GOD)! So, in order to get good precession, all we have to do is to go after our goals and dreams with a passion, knowing that when we pursue our individual purpose, we are actually helping the universe, in our own unique way!
Just think about it. If you are happy, you naturally spread this happiness. Your spouse is happy. Your children are happy. Your work colleagues are happy to see you. If you are depressed, you spread your depression to all and sundry. A happy person does not get into fights or start wars. So, it is vital to go after your own happiness.
How to use Precession:
So, my decision as an average person, (not being Buckminster Fuller), was to use precession to go after my dreams, with my whole heart and soul, knowing that the universe is generally supportive of me in any earnest quest.
I will know if I am going in the right direction, by the precession (or side effects) I create. If I have good precession, nature will give me a pat on my shoulder by giving me lucky circumstances, and I will achieve success and happiness easily.
If I am off track and create bad precession, then the same universe may give me a knock on the head, rather than a pat on my shoulder to get me back on course again!
Setbacks and lucky breaks are just nature’s way of giving me both negative and positive feedback, so that I can steer in the correct direction!
Each one of us is already creating our own reality. The only question is this: Are we happy with the life we are creating? We are free to choose our own beliefs and create our own reality.
After all, that is what we are here on earth to do, live our own unique, individual lives. If that creates good precession, well so much the better!
Why do some People seem to be Lucky?
Through observation and experience, I have found (very late in life) that there are four reasons, why some people seem to be able to sail through life easily, while others struggle!
I am using the mnemonic PPCP to remind me of these four reasons.
Today I have talked about the first P (i.e. Precession) of the PPCP formula on why some people seem to be Lucky in Life. In subsequent posts I shall be sharing the other 3 reasons.
Keep reading!