The 'Joycentrix' View of the Outer World
Hi There, finally I am writing about the Joycentrix View of the Outer World in this post.
The Inner World:
In an earlier post I had spoken about our inner world where each one of us is at the center of our own special world. This is our own unique world that no one, not even our closest, can share! I compared this inner world to an atom, with us as the nucleus, while our family, friends and circumstances were the electrons orbiting around the nucleus!
I also suggested that since the orbiting electrons are attracted and kept in place by the energy in the nucleus. Similarly we can attract the reality we do want (such as people and circumstances), and stop attracting what we don't want, just by changing the energy in our thoughts and beliefs.
In this post I write about the outer world that is common to all of us, in which we live daily.
The Outer World:
So, what exactly is the outer world like; what can I liken it to? Is it a penal colony where we are put as punishment for our sins and the sins of our forefathers? Is it a harsh place where we are tested by suffering and sorrow? I don’t think so!
To Me The World is Like a University!
I prefer to think of the world as an institution of learning – a school, college, or university rather than as a penal colony!
Just think about this. Didn’t we have some of our best times during our school, college or university days? Most of us feel nostalgic about the good old days in school, which is why we have so many annual reunions for old boys and past pupils.
Thus, in the Joycentrix view, I find it makes sense to look upon this world as a university or college - a place for learning and fun.

A Beautiful University Campus with Students
At college we had the opportunity to learn so much, do so much, and experience so much! We could study in the libraries and classrooms. We could carry out experiments in the laboratories. We could play games and take part in athletic events, and we could learn to debate.
Depending on the college, we could also swim or learn music, dancing, and acting. We could make lifelong friends, and we could even fall in love. Best of all, we could have fun doing all these!
Isn’t that how the world is set up too? For us to have fun learning, doing, feeling, growing, and experiencing everything we have an interest in? What better way can there be for humans to develop and grow and exploit all their innate talents that they have been gifted with? So I believe that the world is like a wonderful institution of learning.
I know that this view is contrarian and goes against the traditional view that we have been taught for centuries by religions and the so-called masters! For example:
The traditional 'Fear-centric' view is as follows:
In Hindu and Buddhist traditions: "We are born in this world because of our bad karma and the best karma is not to be born again!"
In Christianity it is said "We are banished from paradise and have to endure life on earth as punishment for the original sin of Adam & Eve!"
Almost all religious traditions believe that this world is a place of punishment! The Joycentrix View however, is completely opposite in that it is 'centered on joy and accomplishment' rather than one 'based on fear and punishment'!
My logic is simple: "If God is a good, loving and benevolent parent as all religions seem to claim, why would he/she create a world just to torture and punish his/her children?"
Therefore, this world created for us must be a blessing and NOT a curse! (This is an important point and will be discussed in later posts.)
I remember that, even as a child of about 7 years old, during my primary school days in a Catholic school, I asked the Brother teaching our Bible class:
"Is God so wicked as to punish us the children and our children too for the one sin of our parents? Even we as humans do not punish the children for the crimes of the parent."
Of course I got the usual brush-off as an answer: "Don't question the Bible!"
I remember the Brother even telling us the following story in class as a warning not to question:
A student had asked the church Father "What did God do on the eighth day?" The Father answered: "God was busy creating Hell for kids like you who ask such questions!" The moral was clear: "never question!"
As you would expect, I was never satisfied with such trite and silly explanations. In class however, I did did stop asking questions because I knew no real answers would be forthcoming.
But I kept searching for answers the rest of my life, through reading books, listening to many speakers, attending many seminars, by deep introspection, and finally by writing - whereby I was inspired to download new ideas from the Universal Mind.
This led me to discovering a contrarian way of looking at life, the world, about god, about afterlife and so on which was able to answer many of my questions! I call this the Joycentrix philosophy for Happy Living in the present as well as perhaps in the afterlife!
This Joycentrix philosophy has 5 main pillars or beliefs, namely:
- The right beliefs about GOD,
- The correct beliefs about the World,
- The right beliefs about the Mind & the Universal Mind,
- The right beliefs about Creation & Co-creation,
- The right beliefs about Happiness.
How I came up with these contrarian beliefs will be discussed in upcoming posts in this blog.
To be continued...
[…] for simple and fitting analogies for Life and the World, such as: "Life as a Process of Learning", "the World as a University", etc. So this idea of "Life being a Buffet" sounded good to me! It is expanded on […]
[…] have proposed several times in my books, and this blog as well, the idea that 'life is like a school or university' for the growth of our soul! When viewed in this way, we can view death as getting promoted to a […]