Universal Mind - The Magic behind Manifesting
Last week I spoke mostly about the Mechanics of the Manifesting Process. Today I intend to delve deeper into the 'magic' behind all manifestation - namely the Universal Mind!
The Universal Mind
All of us have heard that our minds have at least two parts - the Conscious and the Subconscious. But there is yet another aspect of mind - namely Universal Mind, which is rarely spoken about.
Emerson called it 'the Oversoul' in his essay of the same name as far back as in 1841. He believed that each individual soul is a part of the oversoul - the unity of all souls. While I think Emerson’s essays entitled 'Oversoul' and 'Self-reliance' two of the best I have ever read, his views seemed somewhat mystical and confusing to the layman of those times.
However, we are fortunate to be living in this time and age when the Radio, Internet, and Cellular Phones are so common. Thus, I am able to look at the Oversoul concept in a practical way.
It is easy and natural for me to think of my mind as a radio receiver - a powerful receiver of thoughts as well as feelings. Just as it is possible for me to receive wireless signals from the ether by tuning the radio to a particular frequency, it is also possible for me to receive thoughts and feelings from the Universal Mind. In addition, our minds can also transmit thoughts and feelings. (Think of the cell phone, which we can use to transmit our voice to anywhere in the world.)
The Universal Mind can be likened to the Internet and Google. Just as it is possible for me to log on to the Internet, it is also possible for me to access the Universal Mind and transmit my thoughts and feelings to it.
This should not seem surprising to us at the present time when even human inventions like the cellular phone have global reach. Imagine how much more powerful and far-reaching would be the mind, which is GOD’s creation!
In fact, there is no space-time restriction on the human mind in its ability to connect with either the universal mind or other individual minds. This explains extrasensory perception (ESP), premonitions, intuition, and so on. Some of these phenomena that seem magical, even miraculous, are all part and parcel of nature. We humans are only now beginning to understand some of these powers and learning to control them.
We are still a long way off when compared to the majesty of GOD’s creations, but we are getting more and more adept at imitating GOD. (The computer, the wireless, the cell phone, and the Internet are just modest imitations of our brains, minds, and the universal mind respectively.)
Connecting with Universal Mind:
There are many examples of famous people who have used their conscious mind (or intellect) to access the Universal Mind and helped change history! For example:
The Sewing Machine Story

Elias Howe

Howe Sewing Machine
It is said that Elias Howe, the inventor of the mechanical sewing machine got his breakthrough in a dream. He had been earnestly trying to find a way to thread a needle in a new way. Traditionally all needles used for sewing or knitting had always had the eye at the back and the point at the front. When he applied the same idea to his new sewing machine, he found that could not get it to work as he wanted.
One night after many unsuccessful trials he went to bed and had a vivid dream. In the dream he saw a number of knights jousting with lances. He was surprised to see that each lance had an eyelet in front. He woke up with a start, excited at a possible solution to his problem.
He made a sewing needle with an eye and a notch at the front. Now he could easily clamp the back of the needle to the machine, while the needle could move up and down dragging the thread from the top and bottom spools. Thus, the sewing machine was born.
An Author and His Pixies & Elves

R L Stevenson

Two of His Books
Robert Louis Stevenson is a world famous writer of classic tales like Treasure Island and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, as well as numerous children's stories and poems. He once confided that whenever he was in need of some money, he would call on his ‘pixies or elves’ to provide him with a plot for a short story and go to sleep. When he woke up, he would have dreamed a complete story and would immediately write it and sell it to his publisher.
Thomas Alva Edison

Edison the Inventor

Edison Home Phonograph
Edison is hailed as the greatest inventor of all time, who holds the record of 1093 patents in his lifetime and is credited with the first practical electric light, the electrical distribution system, the phonograph and moving pictures or movies.
(NOTE: The above stories are from my upcoming book called 'Back to GOD, Away from Religion' which I hope to complete by the end of the year.)
Now my question is this. Where did Edison get his ideas from? Did he get his ideas for world changing inventions from visiting the library or from studying 'sacred scriptures' or 'holy books'? No, he too got his ideas from the Universal Mind, when he focused intensely on finding solutions to problems within his own mind.
This method of using our mind to access universal intelligence is NOT limited to great inventors or writers or saints! It is a power given to each one of us by the Creator!
Whether we are rich or poor, saints or sinners, whatever our race or religion, caste or color, is of no consequence. Perhaps the only exception may be those with mental disabilities, who cannot use their mind to focus on anything.
Even the physically disabled such as Helen Keller (who was both deaf & blind), or Nick Vujicic (born without hands or legs) were able to use their minds. And who has not heard of Stephen Hawking? He had ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a disease that made him unable to move his muscles. But his intellect stayed sharp and he is often considered to be the foremost theoretical physicist of his time. (Just check out their stories on google to get inspired.)
If even 'physically challenged' persons can access the Universal Mind - thereby creating a fulfilled life, what is the excuse for the rest of us 'normal' people not to do so? All of us have this potential to connect to Universal Mind within us! It is just waiting for us to awake and begin using its power.
How is the Universal Mind able to Create 'Magic' (or Synchronicity) for Us?
I believe that the Oversoul or Universal Mind is the seat of all knowledge - past, present, and future, infinite in scope. Hence, it can see what our individual minds cannot! It is all a matter of perspective, as explained in the excerpt below taken from my book Daily Happy Living:
"It is all a matter of perspective:
"Imagine you are driving in a strange town. You are lost on an unknown street. The buildings towering above you on all sides block your view, and you can’t get your bearings. You have very limited perspective. Now imagine you had a friend on a high-rise building and he is able to see your car and talk to you on your cell phone.
"His perspective is much wider, and he can direct you better; however, even his perspective is somewhat limited because once your car turns the corner he can’t see you. However, if you are getting directions through a GPS from a satellite several miles up in the sky (with a global perspective), then you will not get lost.
"Another good example of differing perspectives that enable one to even predict a future outcome is using a weather satellite. From the satellite photos we are able to see a hurricane forming in the middle of the ocean; we are able to calculate its speed and can predict precisely just when it will make landfall in a particular state or city. Thus, it is not really a prediction but a calculated forecast.
"However, if we did not know about weather satellites, then it would seem like a miracle to us when someone predicts that a hurricane is bound to hit our city in exactly four hours, especially if we are experiencing calm and clear skies now." - Daily Happy Living (Ch.10)
Note that the above paragraphs were written almost ten years ago! Nowadays, it is commonplace for every car driver to use
Waze to direct them unerringly to their destination, using GPS from a satellite!
Similarly, the Oversoul has universal perspective. Hence, it is able to show you the best possible way for you to reach your goal in the fastest and easiest way. It can also arrange conditions that are favorable to you (called Synchronicity). All you need to do is learn how to listen to its instructions. Some people do it by meditation, others by being aware of their intuitive flashes and acting confidently on these.
From the above, you the reader can see that the 'magic' behind all manifestation is not magic at all but the normal working of psychic nature, namely the Universal Mind.
The easiest way to access it (like logging in to google) is to focus intensely on what you want to manifest to solve your particular problem. Once you have focused intently and tried repeatedly (as in the Sewing Machine story), you begin to listen for your intuition.
This intuition may come as a dream or as just a sudden knowing within you. You must not second guess your intuition but take action. Initially it may be difficult to know what is really intuition and what is 'wishful thinking', and you will make mistakes. But after regular attempts you will learn to distinguish between the two and soon be confidently following your true intuition - to get the results you are looking for!
Last week I talked about the Mechanics of Manifesting where I said that the first thing you need before even starting the process is to have Faith that you can achieve your goal!
How do we cultivate the faith? I am not talking of 'blind faith' or 'superstition' here. You can acquire faith slowly, just as you acquire anything else. You start with specific small desires or goals and as you manifest these small goals, you will begin to have more faith and become truly confident.
One of the best ways to have faith is to believe in a friendly, benevolent universe (or at least one that is neutral and not against us)! But, unfortunately we have been taught time and again that this world is unfriendly to us, and that becomes our innate belief.
What about you? “Do you believe that the world is for you or against you? Or do you believe it is at least neutral?”
If you believe the world is NOT against you, then you will find it easy to reach your goals. If you believe the world is against you, then the power of your belief will create a reality that is difficult.
All universal laws are neutral, and since belief is a universal law, we must choose our beliefs wisely to manifest our desires.
In my next post I will give some real-life examples of Synchronicity. Also, how to slowly increase our faith until we truly believe that the Universe is not against us!
Very good insights on intuition and Universal Mind. With years of experience (and still learning, meditating) in understanding the mind as we say, there are 3 main mind universes that we regularly experience – conscious, subconscious and the unconscious.
The conscious mind is the soldiers and they constitute only sever percent of the mind universe. It is the most essential for our existence without which we are just vegetables. However too much of it creates restlessness thus leads to pathalogical conditions. This is represented by the beta waves frequency.
The subconscious is the end the conscious and beginning of the deeper unconscious mind. It forms the bridge between the two universe, something like the rainbow bridge. Without it we are incapable of intuitive reasoning and literally will not be able to remember our dreams which emanate from the unconscious ocean. Too much of it at a waking state makes one a daydreamer (kind of a genius mind). Einstein is said to exhibit alpha waves during writing his formulas.
Next is the unconscious mind. This forms the unknown ninety three percent of the mind universe. Herein lies all the memories called womb memory. Our past, deepest fears, early childhood experiences and long term experiences are stored here. The ocean is very deep but not bottomless. Those who have explored its depth, emerged transcended the universe, beyond mind and beyond time. They speak of the experience of blue hue thus the saying “out of the blue…..” Those who fail suffer from periods of depression – Nietzche, Emerson, etc…..There are methods to explore them systematically and scientifically without losing the content. The TV series Sherlock, Freud and movies by Christopher Nolan depict the nature of the unconcious mind.
There is said to be another universe of mind called the superconscious mind. Some call it overmind, ubermind, supraconscious mind or the god mind. This belongs in the faculty of gamma frequency. Herein lies the intuitive future that sometime we stumble upon.
One has to be fully trained in the bottom ocean minds before exploring the superconcious mind to ensure one is deeply rooted in oneself or as Maslow calls “self actualized”. Those who attempt otherwise do become good soothsayers but still lack the self content. The unsatisfactory desires still remain…..
There is no experience like self experience.
Wow! Siva, you seem to know more about the mind than I do. I used to read a lot and get knowledge. But after decades of learning but not doing, I have now started to do something practical with my mind – such as practicing manifesting small things for a start. Cheers.
Yes sir.It is nice to gain knowledge especially in the screen era when research journals are available in abundance just a click away. However practical application must go on at the same time. I am not sure if learning has its limits, this may rather be a philosophical understanding than reality.